Car Tow Hook

Which part of the car should the tow hook be mounted on

It depends on your car model and your towing needs.

1. There is a tow hook on the bumper that is covered by a cover, open the cover and it will work.

2. Trucks nowadays don’t allow towing anymore, so the rear mid-mounted tow hook is eliminated. However, for the purpose of rescue and being rescued, two tow hooks were installed at the front and rear ends of the frame.

3. With the improvement of the road and the reduction of the number of rescues, recently the cars are mostly equipped with only one simple tow hook at the front and rear of the frame is fully sufficient.

Because the tow hook is mounted on the longitudinal beam of the frame, and the longitudinal beam is divided into two sides. The longitudinal beam is much stronger than the cross member, and can also avoid frame deformation. The front and rear tow hooks must be placed on the same longitudinal beam, so that the front and rear force in a line, so as not to deform the frame. 

Tow hooks are best fixed to the vehicle chassis, the distribution of the force balance. Find the towing vehicle rear and towed vehicle in front of the trailer hitch position.

Many cars tow hook location design in the lower part of the bumper, generally will be marked in the vehicle manual a clear location, owners can also be found by looking at the front and rear bumper there is a hidden space, where the use of a round or square cover covers the location of the car tow hook location.

The above is the car tow hook should be installed in which part of the car is introduced, thank you for reading!

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