Car Tow Hook

What can cause a car tow hook to break

In the process of using the car tow hook, if the use of the party improper method or tow hook and the car is not suitable, the car tow hook is very easy to break.

The main reason is the operation of the problem, first of all, in the conventional situation, towing when the front car should slide slowly forward until the slack tow rope is tight, and then start normally. But when the ground is not or lack of friction, the front car can not start from a standstill to add force, must be backed up and then accelerated rush method to tow, but the premise is that the relevant structure of the rescued vehicle is strong enough.

In addition, in the tow rope to have a small flag or other things to prompt the role, must be in the central position of the tow rope hitch a soft item, this can avoid the tow rope due to excessive force and break, resulting in the tow rope hit the fly to hurt people or vehicles around.

There is another reason is the structural strength problem, especially the use of “bullet rope” operation is more important. The cause of the tow hook incident, it is possible that the tow hook and longitudinal beam welding force arm is too long. However, due to the different body design and bumper shape, the location of the trailer ring, the way to fix and the use of different methods.

This is the introduction to the causes of the car tow hook breakage, thanks for reading!

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